Right, so I noticed I made a little mistake - namely, I left my blog on a note of “wow i’m devastated by some bad news” and just. Didn’t post since then. Then, to make matters worse, I started prioritizing moving my server stuff around to save money (since I’m a little tight right now), and I decided my blog could be down for a few days, completely forgetting that folks have subscribed to it in their RSS feeds, most likely. Oops ^^"

I’ve got excuses - life’s kinda ramped up in difficulty. The previous blog post kinda makes it obvious, but I’ve found myself starting to worry a little about if I’ll continue to exist beyond these next few years. I’ve also found myself with a lot more responsibilities and things I’ve gotta take care of on a personal level. (Some of which really belongs in its own blog post…)

So, this post is to let y’all know - hey, I’m here, apologies for just kinda going radio silent, and for possibly generating error messages on your aggregators for a couple of days! I’ll be back with more~

(Also, I’m planning on do some work to improve this blog in the future. Don’t want to promise anything, though!)